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8 min read

Winter wellness has become more of a necessity to maintain immunity and beat colds. This flu season demands extra effort for ensuring optimal health, as according to the news, we are on track for a similar influenza season to 2019 – the largest on record in Australia. This alarming situation implies taking certain precautions and bringing significant changes in the diet. 

According to a recent study, people who eat three servings of fruit every day are 25% less likely to develop respiratory symptoms during winter. However, another study's results support that Vitamin C in citrus fruits can strengthen the immune system, giving it the ability to fight off winter colds and illnesses. 

In short, fruits can be your best buddies for shielding against the winter beasts! Though all fruits have distinct defensing, strengthening, immunity-boosting, or deficiency-eliminating properties, some can prove helpful in winter. Dive into this article to explore in-depth about them.

What Science Has to Say About the Importance of Winter Fruits?

Besides the two research studies mentioned above, science backs the health benefits of winter foods in many other ways. Fruits are the main sources of vitamins and carbs. The major Vitamin obtained from fruits is Vitamin C. 

Research by Harvard Health Publishing shows that Vitamin C triggers the production of white blood cells, the body's defense system warriors. These fight off the pathogens intruding on the body, offering protection against cold and fever or healing the already developed disease.

The 10 Best Winter Fruits to Help Keep You Healthy

Let's now have a look at the ten best winter fruits to help protect you against the cold! 


Loaded with the goodness of Vitamins C and E, Kiwi can be a great fruit to start your day with. With that early-day Vitamin source, you will stay immune throughout the day. According to the USDA, one serving of Kiwi fruit contains 56 mg of vitamin C and 30.2 mcg of Vitamin K. Its Vitamin C content is twice than that of oranges. It also features Potassium equal in proportion to that in bananas. 

By incorporating this winter food into your routine, you can improve your digestive system functioning, preventing diseases like gas, nausea, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation.

Do you know: Contrary to popular belief, Kiwi skin is edible and can increase fruit's fiber content by 50%. Like wow!


Banana is jam-packed with Proteins, Calories, Carbohydrates, and Potassium. Where protein prevents muscle weakness, Calories offer the added energy for keeping the body warm, carbs to get the required level of warmth, and Potassium for the maintenance of several body systems. Besides this, bananas, on the whole, can reduce stress, depression, and fatigue, reviving your energy and mood. 

Cold weather can also trigger bone-related diseases, so keeping a check on Calcium intake is crucial. You can strengthen your bones with bananas in your diet, preventing such diseases. Other health benefits of this winter fruit include the maintenance of blood pressure and preventing heart diseases.


How can we forget about Apple? In winter, you can experience the fact "An Apple a day keeps the doctor away!" in true meaning. One serving of this fruit offers Vitamin C, flavonoids, fibers, and antioxidants. As mentioned earlier, Vitamin C gives the necessary strength to the immune system, protecting against winter flues and colds. Flavonoids suppress the risk of diabetes, cancer, and heart-related disorders. 

Moreover, Fibers prevent winter blues, offer a winter glow, and boost the immune system. Lastly, the Antioxidant content of Apples reduces oxidative stress and inflammation and improves brain functioning. So, either replace your morning coffee with this nutritious winter food or just munch on it anytime throughout the day to acquire its nutritional benefits. 

Interesting Fact: According to a study, eating apples when stressed out can help elevate mood with its Melatonin content. 

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits include Sweet Oranges, Mandarins, Limes, Grapefruit, Lemons, Citrons, and more. The best approach is to use these winter fruits in your meals, i.e., squeeze a lemon in your fruit salad, feast on a Citrus filled baked treat, make Citrus infused water, etc. 

Citrus fruits are a great source of Vitamin C. This fruit group can alone fulfill your need for this immunity-boosting nutrient. As per research, fruits rich in Vitamin C can prevent the cold weather from triggering flu and cold. So, feast on all the citrus fruits you love during winter. No need to worry about over-consuming Vitamin C as we can store it in essential nutrients reserve. 

Interesting Fact: Orange fruit is named after its orangish color; however, previously, it was named gestured, meaning yellow-red.


Next on the list is blueberries, a winter fruit enriched in fiber, antioxidants, Vitamin C, and Vitamin K. So, whether you crave blueberry tart, cake, babka, or just the fruit itself, there is no need to resist in winter! Besides being cute and delish, these fruity goodnesses have amazing medicinal benefits. 

Blueberries feature high levels of antioxidants compared to most other winter fruits. So, you can rely on this low-calorie snack to prevent winter coughs and colds. These can also help you feel good. Other health benefits include weight maintenance, antibacterial action, anti-cancer and sugar-lowering effect, and blood pressure regulation. 

Fun Fact: So far, blueberries are the only naturally blue fruits; all credit goes to the pigment anthocyanin.


Pineapple, a prominent name in the family of citrus fruits, boasts a plethora of Vitamin C. With just one cup of this fruit, you can intake 78.8 mg of this Vitamin. However, skipping it in winter is not an option at all for those who want to beat the cold when enjoying eating delicious fruits. 

This tropical fruit is low in calories and rich in flavonoids and phenolic acid. It can prove your best bet in the prevention of diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers. Moreover, its disease-fighting anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity ensures overall well-being, maintaining nervous and digestive systems. 


Being 92% water, watermelon is an excellent source of Magnesium, Potassium, and Vitamins A and C. It's low in calories, meaning you can feast on the fruit or sip on its juice when on a calorie-deficit diet. While it helps lose weight, it also ensures wound healing and improves cell functioning. Its collagen component is essential for maintaining cell structure and immune system functioning. 

Along with the extensive immunity-related benefits of Vitamin C, it also helps in skin rejuvenation. Additionally, it reduces the signs of skin aging and promotes healthy and glowing skin. Other noteworthy health benefits include heart health improvement, digestive tract maintenance, and optimal hydration. 

Did you know: Primarily, watermelon was used as canteens, and the word "Watermelon" appeared in the dictionary for the first time in 1615.


Pears are enriched in fibers that are important immune system maintenance crew constituents. Where these nutrients limit the growth and fight off bacteria, they promote the development of good ones, flourishing them. Moreover, fibers are filling; according to Cleveland Clinic, these can be great for preventing overeating. 

Pear also improves gut health and empowers healthy weight management. It boosts heart health, has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancerous properties, and contains certain beneficial nutrients. It can also be a good source of phytonutrients and antioxidants.

Nutritional Fact: Pears are cholesterol-free, fat-free, and a 100-calorie package. You can enjoy 0.285 g of fat and 26.9 g of carbohydrates with one serving of Pear.


Persimmons are considered an ideal source of phosphorus, calcium, fiber, vitamin C, Vitamin A, cryptoxanthin-beta, and Potassium. It’s not only a good winter fruit but also one of the best companions for weight control, as these are low in calories and rich in fiber. 

The highlight of the fruit remains vitamin A and C. Vitamin A supports the immunity-boosting activity of Vitamin C, offering protection against several diseases. It's also important for mucus membranes in the throat and lungs, the barrier immunity. 

Fun Fact: One of the Persimmon species, Digyna, is said to taste like chocolate pudding once ripened. It's grown in Mexico, so feast on this intriguing fruit whenever visiting there!


Lastly, we have Cherries! Jam-packed with vitamins, minerals, fibers, and more of such healthy nutrients, this fruit is another must-to-eat addition to your winter diet. Other notable nutrients featured in it include Antioxidants, Magnesium, Potassium, and Calcium. With all these, you can enjoy optimal heart health, reduce inflammation, improve sleep quality, and keep your skin healthy and ever-glowing. 

It can also help soothe sore muscles, improve blood sugar level, prevent arthritis pain, and protect the heart from certain diseases. Moreover, these are excellent liver tonics and cleansers. With them, you can revitalize your liver, improving its functioning and ensuring its health. 

Do you know: You can expect a cherry tree to grow 33 feet tall and produce 7000 cherries. These trees begin to produce cherries after three to four years of planting and continue the process for the coming 100 years. Like wow!

Best Seasonal Fruits in Queensland this Winter

Do you live in Queensland, Australia? Below, we have gathered all the fruits you can enjoy eating this winter; let's have a look!

Best Winter Fruits in Queensland

Apples (Red)



Apples (Green)




Honeydew Melons










Rock Melons




Custard Apples






Dragon Fruit



How to Incorporate Winter Fruits into Your Daily Diet?

Here are multiple strategies owing to which you can add fruits into your diet!

  • Add fruits to your breakfast cereal. Topping your cereal bowl with the winter fruits you love is a great idea, indeed!
  • Incorporate a glass of fresh fruit juice into your daily routine. It must be 100% fruit juice, without any additives. Do not confuse it with a cocktail or fruit drink. 
  • Skip your side fries and eat a piece of fruit, instead. This way, you will replace 140 calories from one serving of fries with the much-needed vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 
  • Replace your lunch or dinner meal with fruit salad. You can add all of your favorite fruits, accompanied by the honey drizzle or any other topping you drool over.

How Can Companies Ensure Employees' Health with Fruits?

While flu season seems to impact children and seniors alike, its effect on youth and mid-age people can not be ignored. Corporate companies should take precautionary measures by providing fresh fruit in the office. This way, you can improve your workers' productivity by more than 10%, combat low morale and increase happiness. It also assists in boosting their energy levels, memory, and immune system maintenance.

So, offering fresh corporate fruit in the office can improve your team's overall health and reduce sick days and extended absences. The idea is budget-friendly yet high-paying, as nothing is more important for a company than its employees' health. That said, it's easy to see why so many workplaces provide office fruit. 

We're also very proud to support local, family-based businesses with our office fruit box delivery service. So, if you need some help with corporate catering in Australia, send us an email to get a quote and have nutritious and delish fresh office food delivered to your workplace today.

Wrapping It Up!

If you are concerned about winter blues, cold, and cough, the above-mentioned winter fruits will surely help. The main constituents of these fruits include Vitamins C, K, Potassium, Antioxidants, Minerals, and more. Include them in your daily diet to acquire all the offered benefits when ensuring optimal immunity against diseases and overall health. Also, if you are a company owner, consider offering fruits to your workers. You can stick to certain ideas like fruit platters or fruit parties. 

That was all about the winter fruits, their significance, and their benefits. We have also shed light on how you can incorporate these fruits into your daily lives. Hope you find blog worth reading; stay tuned for more! 


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